Waitography –Walk you through the sweetest journey of life–
Jingle 及 Mocca的wedding,在伯大尼教堂 (Bethanie) 舉行,很喜歡花仔的造型,非常搶鏡,cocktail party則在伯大尼二樓舉行,空間開揚,backdrop設計非常漂亮,讓人印象難忘。
伯大尼教堂是香港 wedding 的熱門地點,最主要原因,是非教徒如想在教堂行禮,在香港除了西貢景輝堂、鯉魚門渡假村、愉景灣的教堂外,選擇其實並不多,Bethanie 能成為熱門,自有其原因。拍攝在伯大尼教堂舉行的 wedding 很多很多次了,或許可以和大家分享一下,先說說伯大尼教堂的優點。
第二點是伯大尼教堂的周邊環境,保養管理得很好,教堂位處小山丘上,環境寧靜,舉行 wedding 是最好不過,如果婚禮當天有時間,教堂外的環境絕對是拍照的好地方,出席婚禮的好友們,觀禮後在教堂外走走,有樹木有陽光有微風,想起剛剛婚禮的點滴,和好久不見的友人聚首閒聊,那是很讓人放鬆的一個環境。
但凡事總是有好有壞,如果打算在伯大尼教堂舉行婚禮,有幾點要注意。首先伯大尼教堂因為是歷史一級古蹟,一磚一瓦都受保護,場地的布置有很多限制,如果你已經計劃了自己 wedding 的 deco 等安排,那緊記問清楚是否真的能夠實行,當然沒有人希望破壞古蹟,這點大家都應尊重及理解。其次,教堂車位不多,對車輛大小亦有限制,這裡還會有學生上堂,員工也不是主打做婚禮的,所以不要期望,教堂的員工很helpful,很多酒店/婚宴場地的貼身服務,這裡都沒有。
另外呢,想租用教堂,須在big day前一年凌晨打電話預約,而可供租用的時段,每節只有兩小時,兩小時很快就過,而由於是熱門地點,通常新人剛完成婚禮,就差不多要撤退,以供下對新人使用,如新人很希望在嘉賓離開後,獨自在教堂內拍照,那一個字就是要快,要不工作人員就會進來催促,就有點大煞風景了。
地點 : 伯大尼教堂 , 香港薄扶林道139號
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It’s Jingle and Mocca’s wedding at Béthanie Chapel – the cocktail party on the 2nd floor, the nicely designed backdrop, and even the styling of the little ring bearer work together to make the wedding a very unique one.
The Béthanie Chapel is one of the most popular wedding venues in Hong Kong. For non Christian or Catholic couples dreaming to walk down a Chapel’s aisle in their wedding, Béthanie Chapel remains to be the very limited options they can have, apart from the Hong Kong Adventist College in Sai Kung, the Assembly Hall of Lei Yue Mun Park and the White Chapel at Discovery Bay. I have done wedding shooting in Béthanie Chapel for quite some times and there are few useful tips that I can share with you.
The Béthanie is a Hong Kong declared monument. It was built in 1875 and is now under the management of Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. Church services will be held in the Chapel on Sundays and other holy days. On the other days, it is available for wedding ceremonies. The Béthanie was built in the Neo-gothic style, which is very unique in Hong Kong. Stepping into this little beautiful chapel is like stepping into history.
The outdoor space around the Béthanie Chapel is being very well maintained. The chapel locates on a small hill and is therefore very quiet. This outdoor space is an ideal place for the wedding couples to mingle with their guests. If time allows, it can also be a very nice shooting spot!
There are few things to note for a Béthanie wedding too. As the chapel is a declared monument, everything in the chapel is very well protected. There will be a lot of restriction on decorating the chapel. If you have any special decoration plan in mind, do remember to check with the management office to make sure the plan is feasible. The parking space is also very limited there and they even have restriction on the car size. As the main function of the Béthanie Chapel is not for holding wedding ceremony, please do not expect there will be very helpful staff who can offer you professional advice on the wedding arrangement.
Another important point to note – the size of Béthanie Chapel cannot be compared with many of the other churches in Hong Kong. It is actually a very tiny chapel that can only cater a small guest number. It is strongly recommended to arrange a site visit if you are really interested to have your wedding ceremony there. Do not trust the photos online. The magic lens of photographers can always give illusion in space!
How to make the venue application can be a challenge too. The application can only be done one year before the big day through telephone. Each rental session lasts for two hours only. This two hours time is almost impossible to allow the wedding couples to take photos with their guests inside the chapel after the ceremony.
Given all the pros and cons, I still think the Béthanie Chapel is a nice wedding venue. Just remember to look into the rules and regulations before making the reservation. It should then be all fine.